GPA Consulting provides a variety of services in the areas of environmental planning, historic preservation, and biology. Our mission is to help you reach your project goals in the most professional, fun, environmentally responsible, and efficient manner.
Tell us who you are and we'll tell you what we can do for you!
Environmental Planning Services Project Initiation Documents Preliminary Environmental Studies NEPA & CEQA Documentation Public Outreach & Engagement Section 4(f) Evaluations Community Impacts Assessments Environmental Justice Water Quality Assessments Environmental Training Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Visual Impacts Assessments Relocation Impact Studies Energy Studies Growth Inducement Studies Cumulative Impact Analysis Socio/Economic Studies Coastal Permitting Resource Agency Coordination Caltrans Local Assistance GIS Analysis & Mapping
Biological Services Biological Reconnaissance Surveys Biological Resource Studies & Analysis Biological Assessments Spring Surveys Wetland Delineation Section 401 Water Quality Certification Section 404 Permitting Section 1602 Streambed Alteration Agreements Section 7 Consultation Natural Environment Studies Nesting Surveys Protected Species Surveys Protected Species Relocation Endangered Species Consultation Mitigation Compliance Monitoring Habitat Assessment Habitat Restoration Offsite Mitigation GIS Analysis & Mapping |
Historic Preservation Services Historic Reports for NEPA & CEQA Compliance Section 106 Compliance Reports Programmatic Agreements & MOAs Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting HABS/ HAER Documentation Historic Structure Reports Stabilization, Relocation & Maintenance Plans Secretary of the Interior's Standards Compliance Historic Context Statements Historic Resource Surveys Due Diligence Reports Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Applications National, State & Local Landmark Nominations Historic Preservation Ordinances Historic Resource Elements for General Plans Mills Act Applications and Program Support Design Guidelines for Historic Districts Training on Historic Resource Laws and Programs Interpretive Plaques, Displays, Books & Brochures Public Outreach and Social Media